Developers at PES refinery site address flooding, cleanup concerns
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Construction at the former Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery is scheduled to start this fall.
Wednesday night, Hilco executives met with the community in South Philadelphia. Hilco is planning the city's largest redevelopment in history.
The company is transforming the refinery into a 1,300-acre warehousing and life science hub called the Bellwether District.
Partners held an open discussion addressing flooding concerns, public input on land use, and site cleanup plans.
"I've been raised in this neighborhood," a Philly Thrive member said. "I've lived my whole life here."
The Philly Thrive organization is demanding the development serve the neighborhood.
"We've been studying that piece of land over there for the last eight years and we want to make a connection," a Philly Thrive member said.
The presentation also included cleanup methods for so-called "legacy contamination," and accessing jobs during construction.
PES was shut down when a corroded pipe burst in 2019, leading to a massive fire and explosion and the release of thousands of tons of toxic hydrofluoric acid.