Matthew's Tavern in Norwood backdrop for Apple Studios TV show "Sinking Spring"

Apple TV show films at Delaware County bar

NORWOOD, Pa. (CBS) – A Delaware County community was buzzing with excitement Wednesday when part of a TV show was filmed at a bar in Norwood.

Dozens of crew members gathered in the parking lot of Matthew's Tavern on Winona Avenue Wednesday morning to film "Sinking Spring," a show from Apple Studios.

Hillary Stockard is a leasing consultant for Holly Gardens, an apartment complex nearby.

"It was exciting to hear about them, you know, coming right across the street to film the show," Stockard said. "But also a little bit nerve-wracking because we weren't sure what the parking situation would be like."

Crew members dropped off a letter at the apartment complex last week with information on the timing of the road closures, which affect Welcome, Ridley and Garfield Avenues.

"It's a pretty good road here that a lot of restaurants are on it, an active business street for sure, so definitely catch a lot of buzz in the neighborhood," Jason McGovern, owner of All County Insurance, said.

Despite the road closures, most businesses said they're not seeing a loss of customer traffic.

There was a lot of activity all day, from tents and trucks to the barricades, and several people stopped by to take a peek at the set.

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Stockard said she is curious who's going to be in the show and whether there's any chance she could be a part of it. 

"I heard that they were casting extras for $300 a day so I inquired about it, but I didn't hear back from anyone," Stockard said.

Road closures will be in effect until midnight, according to the notice given to businesses in the area. 

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