Elderly sex offender accused of targeting teen, Bensalem police say

Elderly sex offender accused of targeting teen, Bensalem police say

BENSALEM, Pa. (CBS) -- A 76-year-old lifetime Megan's Law offender is accused of showing up for what he believed was a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old boy, the Bensalem Police Department said Wednesday.

Police say 76-year-old David Coles Sr. was arrested around 10:15 a.m. Wednesday.

Coles was convicted in 1997 of involuntary deviant sexual intercourse and aggravated indecent assault, police say.

Police allege Coles Sr. initiated a conversation with an individual he believed was a middle-school-aged male on the dating website Grindr on Feb. 22.

Coles allegedly agreed to meet the juvenile and take him to his apartment in Bristol, according to police. He's accused of wanting to engage with oral sex, police say.

Police say they became aware of Coles in November 2022, when investigators came across an ad Coles posted on the dating website. His profile allegedly said he was seeking a male to engage in oral sex.

In November, police claim Coles engaged in email and text messages with what he thought was a 14-year-old in Bensalem and expressed interest in having a sexual encounter with the teen. Police say communication with the teen then slowed.

Coles has been charged with unlawful contact with a minor, involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, aggravated indecent assault and related charges.

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