Ann Coulter Worried Trump Will Soften Immigration Stance

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Conservative columnist and commentator Ann Coulter liked Donald Trump's inauguration speech but told Rich Zeoli on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT that she worried he had gone soft on following through with his hardline promises on immigration since winning November's election

"This was a good speech. He was making me nervous since the election. Way too much Goldman Sachs. Not enough Kris Kobach. But today's speech, it was back to the Trump that won the election," Coulter said.

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Coulter said she needs to see him follow through before her mind will be re-assured.

"I'll feel a lot better as long as he keeps his promises on immigration. I really just want to save the country...I do think his heart is in the right place but we'll see what happens. He hired Sessions, but that's, kind of, automatic. We'll see," she said.

For her, the administration needs to prove what was said on the campaign trail was more than just empty rhetoric.

"He said, number one, the felons are going to go. Because...countries can send us their murderers and rapists. They commit a murder or a rape here and we say, okay, serving his time and then we're sending him back to you or, maybe, just sending him back to you. They say, no thanks. We're not taking him. So they get released in our country. The most powerful country in the world just puts up with this," Coulter explained. "Well, the laws are already on the books that allow the president, working through the secretary of state to say, okay, no more visas, No more travel visas. No more foreign aid to your country until you start accepting your criminals."

As far as for the first day, Coulter was pleased with some early actions, but now will wait to see what comes next.

"Obama had just given his farewell speech and the stripped the White House web page of all references to global warming. That's the Trump we voted for. That's the old Trump back. I feel confident we're going to get a wall, but unless the wall is accompanied with deportation, all that's going to do is wall the bad guys in. We don't want that," she said.

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