COVID-19 In Pennsylvania: Doctor Warns 'Look No Further Than Your Local Hospital' To See How Dire Pandemic Is

BUCKS COUNTY, Pa. (CBS) -- Officials and health care workers in Bucks County held a virtual press conference on Friday as coronavirus cases and hospitalizations rise in the county and across Pennsylvania. One doctor reminded Bucks County residents who are breaking the state mandates that the situation is dire.

"If anyone needs any evidence, go to your local emergency department, go to your local hospital. There are people in the waiting rooms for extending periods of time, people receiving care in the hallway, ICUs opening up in surge areas, meaning extra spaces where we have to find additional providers to take care of them," Dr. Gerald Wydro said. "If anyone doesn't think this is real and that there are really people sick everyday that are stressing the health care system, look no further than your local hospital or emergency department."

According to Pennsylvania health statistics, nearly 200 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19 in just Bucks County.

Pennsylvania health officials reported 9,320 additional coronavirus cases on Friday, bringing the statewide total to 538,655.

Across the commonwealth, there are 6,209 people hospitalized with COVID-19, which officials said is double the spring's peak. Officials said most of the hospitalized patients are 65 or older.

Since the end of September, the state said the trend in the 14-day average of hospitalized patients per day has increased by about 5,300.

The state also announced 216 new COVID-19 deaths on Friday, which brings the statewide total to 13,608.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccine continued to be administered at hospitals across the Philadelphia region on Friday.

Thousands of health care workers in our area have now received shots.

At Jefferson, nursing student Jennifer Paone volunteered to give the vaccine.

"I want to make sure that everyone stays as safe as possible," she said.


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