Commissioner Ramsey Says Some Questions Raised by U.S. Policing Report Remain Unsolved

By Jim Melwert

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey says he supports all of the 59 recommendations contained in a preliminary report on "21st Century Policing."

The report was released yesterday.  Commissioner Ramsey, who was picked by President Obama to co-chair the task force behind the report, met with reporters this morning to discuss that report.

READ THE REPORT (.pdf format)

Ramsey says the report provides context to the recommendations.  For example, the use of new technology, specifically the use of body-worn video cameras.  Ramsey explains that the report, while saying they would improve evidence gathering, and even aid in dispute resolution, askes a significant question:  "What are some of the privacy issues or Constitutional issues that are involved?   We need to have those discussions up front."

One hypothetical: what if the company making the cameras were to add facial recognition software?

"I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but think about the implications that things like that have," Ramsey notes.  "Technology advances very, very quickly."

And there's the cost of video storage and editing -- such as blurring the faces of citizens caught on camera but not involved with the investigation.

Also, would witnesses be more reluctant to talk to an officer if they thought they might be recorded?

In addition to technology, other "pillars" of the report include building trust between community and police, and training and education.

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