Former Congressman And Colonel Allen West Reflects On Veterans Day

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Former Congressman and Colonel Allen West talked with Dom Giordano on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT on Veterans Day about his service and what the service of so many in our armed forces means for the United States.

West said it takes a special type of individual to enlist in the service of their country.

"It's a reflection back on the service, sacrifice and commitment of men and women that have given their time to this great nation to make sure that they stand on freedom's ramparts so we can enjoy our liberties. I think about those men who answered the call of arms at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. I think about those patriots who stood and established our great nation there in Philadelphia, with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I just remember my dad who served in World War Two, my older brother who served in Vietnam and then my nephew who is now serving as a young Major in the United States Army and all of the friends that I have been with."


He stated that despite the growing challenges that need to be confronted abroad there will never be a time when Americans fail to rise to the challenge.

"We see the growing 21st Century axis of Russia, Iran, and China. We see the proliferation of the militant Islamic jihadist groups from Boko Haram to ISIS, Taliban, Al Qaeda, Abu Sayyaf, and all the many others. We know that are veterans are not getting the right and proper treatment that they should be getting there at our Veterans Administration hospitals and facilities. But with all of those things being said, you will always have men and women who are ready to say, as it is in Isaiah chapter six, verse eight, when asked whom shall we send, who will go for us, here am I, send me. That's the greatness of America. That's what we celebrate on Veterans Day."

West also addressed what he sees as a double standard in the media that is targeting Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson.

"You accept that there is a duplicitous double standard out there. You accept that hypocrisy and you have to carry yourself at such a higher standard and you have to maintain that moral high ground because Barack Obama's records are all sealed up. No one was allowed to say anything to or about him, even now, if you challenge his policies, let's say shutting down Guantanamo Bay, the first thing you hear is that you're a racist. That comes from so many on the liberal progressive left. I will just tell you as a black conservative or as a minority conservative, period, we have to continue to stand."

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