70 MPH Speed Limit Expanding To Most Of PA Turnpike

By Tony Romeo

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission had decided to expand the 70 mile-an-hour speed limit to most of its system this spring.

The Pennsylvania Turnpike has, for almost two years, had a pilot program with a 70 mile-an-hour speed limit on about 100 miles of its system in the south central part of the state. Now, spokesman Carl DeFebo says the speed limit will be raised to 70 on another 450 miles of the Turnpike system before summer.

"Areas that are today marked at 65 miles-an-hour on the Turnpike will, at some point in the next several months, be converted to 70 miles-an-hour, and those areas that are posted at 55 miles-an-hour will remain at 55."

DeFebo says preliminary data from the pilot program with the speed limit of 70 has shown no perceptible increase in accidents. And DeFebo says an announcement is expected in the coming months about raising the speed limit to 70 on sections of other Pennsylvania Interstates as well.


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