30-Year-Old Cat Dies After Being Shot With BB Gun

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EAST GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (CBS Local) -- The owners of a 30-year-old cat in Michigan had to put their beloved pet down this month after he was shot outside of his home with a BB gun. The incident happened over Labor Day weekend and has shocked the community on the west side of the state.

East Grand Rapids Mayor Amna Seibold shared the story on her Facebook, reminding her residents that BB guns are not toys and shooting any kind of gun in the city is not allowed.

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"There are not a lot of 30-year-old cats around," Seibold told Patch. "They are heartbroken."

Seibold has spoken with the family, who is too upset to speak with the media, and shared that the cat, named "Tiger," was out front of his home when he was shot. The owner reportedly found him bleeding and took him to the vet, who determined that the cat was shot in the hind leg and would not have a quality life after suffering the injuries. The family had to euthanize him.

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Now, the community is mourning the loss of the cat with plans to make Tiger socks and t-shirts, the local Fox 17 reported. Neighbors are also upset that someone would do this to a pet and believe it may have been a child.

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