3 On Your Side: Things You Can Do To Stop Throwing Away Food And Money

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Did you go grocery shopping this weekend? Well how much of the food that you bought, will you actually use? Let's face it, many times we buy more than we actually need. We end up with wilted lettuce or expired yogurt.

In today's 3 On Your Side report, I take a look at some things you can do to stop throwing away food and money.

Food scraps add up fast.

According to the most recent estimates from the EPA, Americans waste 37 million tons of food and that's just for one year.

The money you spent on that food could be considered trash too. To help the environment and your wallet, shop smart.

Before going to the grocery store check out what's in your refrigerator. Cook or eat what you have before you buy more. Make a shopping list and plan menus.

Buying in bulk can help you save money but only if you use what you buy.
Before produce goes bad, freeze it.

Be mindful at restaurants. Only order portions you can realistically eat and take home your leftovers. You maximize your spending and cut down on waste.

Before you clean out your pantry -- think about donating untouched non-perishable food. That can help a food pantry keep its shelves stocked.

Instead of tossing your food in a trash bin, start a compost pile. Those scraps, skins, peels and grounds can decompose into rich soil which is great for your garden.

Taking some simple steps to reduce your food waste improves the environment's bottom line and yours too.

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