"Coach In A Suit" tells story about Chris Hixon, man who ran toward gunshots to protect students during Parkland shooting

Short film about Chris Hixon, coach who protected students during Parkland massacre, premieres

FORT LAUDERDALE — The horror of February 14th, 2018, has stained 17 families with loss.

A short film entitled "Coach In A Suit" premiered at the Savor Theater. It's about Chris Hixon: The man who ran toward gunshots to protect his students.

His wife Debbi says she will relive the worst news of her life over and over again until there are changes to school safety and legislation in this country.

Hixon is one of 17 who was murdered at the hands of a gunman who unleashed a barrage of bullets on a school on Valentine's Day 2018.

"It just shreds your family apart and how you had dreams and hopes and you're living your best life, and then all of a sudden, your life changes," said Hixon. 

The pain is still prevalent but the mission is greater.

"We talk a lot about the right to life and when we talk about that we're talking about embryos or babies that aren't born yet but what about the people that're here," said Hixon.

On Wednesday, The United States Supreme Court heard arguments challenging the ban on bump stocks. They're devices that can turn a semi-automatic firearm into a machine gun according to the ATF.

Montel Williams, who moderated a panel following the film, says the timing of the SCOTUS hearing is offensive.

"We're sitting back and watching the Supreme Court try and justify why any person in America needs that garbage. So, what I'm hoping to convey is to start the dialogue again," he said.

Hixon says more needs to be done to improve school safety but issues like infrastructure can be fixed like the implementation of steel doors, hurricane-proof windows, and concrete walls as a universal school safety standard.

The film while painful, those there hope it's a catalyst for change.

"I am really hopeful that it will bring about a greater awareness about our gun laws both in our state and our country," said Joanne Perica, who played Debbi Hixon in the film. 

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