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Wylie Boy Nearly Killed In Crash Goes Home From Hospital

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WYLIE (CBS11) - After spending nearly three months in the hospital, now 10-year-old Jeremiah Hart finally goes home, telling CBS 11 Tuesday he's looking forward to presents and getting to "hug my dog."

It is a happy homecoming that's long overdue. After all, the Wylie boy spent both the holidays and his recent birthday recovering from injuries sustained in a near fatal crash.

"We were going to the mall, getting his hair cut," says his mother, Bridgett Hart, "a car jumps the cub and he's fighting for his life."

Hart wipes away tears as she recalls just how many times her son came close to losing that fight.

"Three times…three times I almost lost him. And I was right there, so I'm very aware," and with her voice disappearing into a whisper: "so I'm very aware. Very grateful. Very humbled."

In November, Jeremiah was walking along the sidewalk at Firewheel Town Center in Garland holding his younger sister's hand. That's when, according to Garland police, a 77-year-old driver hit the gas instead of the brake while trying to park. Jeremiah was pinned against a wall, his leg crushed and his internal organs damaged.

"I saw the car hit him and carry him into the wall," Hart said immediately following the crash, "and she was just left there."

The 7-year-old has since received counseling to help her heal from the trauma. Jeremiah was initially rushed into surgery at Dallas' Children's Health and later continued his recovery at Texas Scottish Rite. And according to Hart, Jeremiah's emotional wounds have been well tended during his stay at the hospital as well.

"We have gotten Jeremiah through being afraid of cars," says Hart. "They all go down and let him be around the car and we got in the car and we actually have even been driving around the block a few times. So, now, he's ready to go home and he's not afraid."

But, the little boy who spent the morning speed racing his wheelchair down the hospital hallway is resilient and ready to get on with life.

"He's doing good. He's asking 'when am I getting my leg? When am I getting back on the soccer field?'" Although he won't get to play for a while, he will get to kick out the ball for his team's game on

Saturday. Coach Jonathan Tran was on hand at the hospital today cheering him on.

Meanwhile, Hart's lost her battle to hold back the tears when she talked about the hundreds of well-wishers who have prayers, sent cards and gifts, and donated on the family's GoFundMe page to help cover medical and living expenses. She's had to take a leave from her job to care for Jeremiah. The single mom adopted both Jeremiah and his younger sister from foster care, proving the little boy has already gotten the luckiest of breaks: a mom who loves him.

"There really aren't words to say… it's been overwhelming and I'm extremely grateful. We still have a long road to go, so I can't go back to work yet. And I'm just so thankful for everything that everybody's done."

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