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Why Eagles' Fans Hate The Cowboys

It's Cowboys and Eagles week! The biggest game of the year is the perfect opportunity to remind Cowboys fans that they hate us way more than we hate them. Even the former Mayor of Philadelphia and Governor of Pennsylvania does not shy away from an open hatred of our city and your beloved Cowboys.

The popular democratic recently blogged about the ten things he despises the most about us.

10. The Star - What unbelievable conceit to make a star the symbol of your team and paint it right smack in the middle of the field. How did that star look at the end of the pickle-juice game (the 2000 season opener when the Eagles consumed pickle juice to combat dehydration from the 109-degree game-time temperature and beat the hosts, 41-14)?

9. Jimmy Johnson's hair - Gelled and lacquered into a steel-like, immovable 'do, and harder than those obnoxious Cowboy helmets. (I must admit to a tad of envy here.)

8. Cowboy (or AT&T) Stadium - A gaudy, incredibly extravagant mausoleum to Jerry Jones' ego. Hey, Jerry, with Texas having the highest percentage of people without healthcare coverage of any state in the nation, couldn't you have thought of a better use for your money?

7. Troy Aikman on TV - This ex-Cowboys QB has never gotten over the physical and scoreboard beating administered to him by the Buddy Ryan-led Birds. He takes it out on the Eagles every chance he gets with his slanted, hateful anti-Eagles commentary.

6. The "Don't Mess With Texas" attitude - Everything is bigger and better in the Lone Star state, or so they think. Rick Perry as governor? Not so much. Cowboy Stadium is a great example of this. One thing that's for sure: Everything is more arrogant in Texas, especially if it has anything to do with this football team!

5. Conceited, cocky, arrogant stars, past and present - Michael Irvin, Neon Deion, Tony Romo, Dez Bryant: I can't stand any of them. (Jason Witten is an exception, but he should have been an Eagle. Remember, we picked L.J. Smith in the draft when Jason was still available.)

Read the rest of former Governor Ed Rendell's list here.

It looks like someone has a serious case of Super Bowl ring jealousy. Dallas 5 - Philadelphia 0

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