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Whitt's End: 8.24.12

RW - Whitt's End

Whether you've reached the end of your rope or merely the end of your week, welcome to Whitt's End:

*It's not an official position. It's not a paid gig. But it's real. And, if you're a Cowboys fan, it's real good. Receiver Dez Bryant is willing and even pro-actively seeking advice from former tight end Jay Novacek. It's an odd couple. Saving Private Bryant? Not saying that advisors Royce West and David Wells are being kicked to the curb by Dez by any means. Just saying that now Dez has a positive, veteran, savvy football voice to lean on. And, in fact, I'm told that the relationship is already so cozy that Novacek plans to be in New Jersey for the Sept. 5 opener on Dez's dime. Says owner Jerry Jones: "It doesn't surprise me … Jay's always had great people skills." Stay tuned.

*Conflicted about Lance Armstrong's decision to stop fighting charges by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). I competed against Lance in what was once the President's Health Club Triathlon out by Lake Lavon in the late '80s and know his mom, Linda. I get that it's just no longer worth it. After 500 passed drug tests while raising $500 million to fight cancer, what is there left to prove? A 2-year federal criminal investigation didn't come up without enough to charge with him anything. So now what? At the same time, many critics or those on the fence about Lance will see this surrender as an admission of guilt. It's like pleading "no contest" to a traffic ticket. Not saying you're guilty, but willing to accept the consequences. And the consequences are being stripped of 7 Tours de France. Lance Armstrong beat cancer. He routinely made molehills out of mountains. And now? For the first time in his life he's taking the easy way out. Sad. He's gotta be this planet's most persecuted hero.

*So Michael Young's wife is giving birth to the couple's third child and the Rangers' DH leaves. In the 5th inning. In the middle of a game in which he is playing in. Wow. Again and again we're reminded at just how trivial and unimportant Major League Baseball regular-season games are. Imagine Tony Romo heading up the tunnel in the 3rd quarter or Dirk Nowitzki bolting AAC at halftime. No friggin' way.

*When he says things like "We're better off without Deron Williams" – I'm paraphrasing– it just gets real hard to take Mavs owner Mark Cuban seriously. That's just disingenuous.

*Trust ESPN NFL information guy Adam Schefter at your own peril. On Wednesday he Tweeted that Cowboys' doctors told tight end Jason Witten he wouldn't need surgery on his lacerated spleen. Since then we've been told by team VP Stephen Jones and Witten himself that he hasn't been told a dang thing and won't even meet with team doctors until Tuesday.



*Shocking news with UFC prez Dana White cancelling Pay-Per-View 151. Horrible move by Jon "Bones" Jones to not adjust and accept an alternate opponent when Dan Henderson was injured. In the UFC's imminent takeover of boxing as America's No. 1 violent sport, this is a major step backward.

*If you're keeping score, make that two veteran votes for Harvey Martin to be the next Cowboy inducted into the Ring of Honor. At training camp it was Drew Pearson. And at yesterday's Silver-n-Blue Debut it was Randy White tooting his co-Super Bowl MVP's horn. You hear that, Jerry Jones?

*Again, it's preseason and it's means next to nothing. But just for grins the Jacksonville Jaguars paid $32 million to sign former Cowboys' receiver Laurent Robinson. Through 3 pre-season games: 1 catch, 7 yards.

*Had a debate on The Fan with Greggo the other day about how a Navy SEAL would fare in a bare-knuckle brawl with an NFL player. Chris Kyle, author of the best-selling book American Sniper, admits that, no, not every SEAL would kick the ass of every NFL player. Young, agile, 6-foot-5 and 315 pounds, trained in hand-to-hand combat and skilled in leverage, I just don't think a SEAL could get Cowboys' offensive lineman Tyron Smith off his feet.

*Fact: In areas known to have West Nile Virus, 1 in 500 mosquitos carry the virus. Fact: 80% of humans bitten by mosquitos infected with West Nile Virus will not get West Nile Virus. Fact: America has perfected the art of overreacting.

*Watching Roger Clemens pitch again? At 50? C'mon people are we really that bored?

*Can we finally stop bitchin' about the weather? We should, because 2012 will go down as one of the mildest in Metroplex history. In 2011 we started with the single-digit temps and ice storms that ravaged Super Bowl XLV, and ended with a record 71 summer days over 100 degrees. But this year? Only 14 days of freezing temps and 17 over 100. Last Tuesday we tied a record-low high of 78, not enjoyed around these parts since 1919.

*The Cowboys think cornerback Mike Jenkins is ready for contact, but agent Drew Rosenhaus thinks otherwise. Jenkins will meet with Dr. James Andrews next week about his surgically repaired shoulder. Jerry Jones on whether Jenkins will be in uniform for Sept. 5 against the Giants: "I don't think so." Nonetheless, Cowboys source tells me Jenkins will not be placed on the Physically Unable to Perform list next week, which would mandate him missing 6 weeks.

*Read here what you'll hear next week: Tuesday at the Cowboys' 19th Annual Kickoff Luncheon benefitting Happy Hill Farm & Academy in Granbury, John Niland will win the Tom Landry Memorial Award and Tony Romo will be given the Ed Block Courage Award. Niland, who played in the '60s and '70s, is one of only 4 Cowboys' offensive linemen with at least 6 Pro Bowl selections. The others: Rayfield Wright, Nate Newton and Larry Allen.

*My Make-A-Wish buddy Jackson is back from Maui and back on the radio with us today on 105.3 The Fan at 3:45. Apparently he went to a luau, flew in a helicopter and hung out with former Mavs' coach and basketball Hall-of-Famer Don Nelson in Hawaii. Can't wait. Refresher about his story here.

*This weekend? Back on the tennis court Saturday morning at 9:30, then out to Cowboys Stadium at 4 for the Official Pre-Game Show on the West Plaza. After Cowboys-Rams we'll probably find a late-night watering hole. On Sunday, let's all observe some Sabbath shall we? Don't be a stranger.

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