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Where Romo's Money Is Really Going...

Tony Romo - Candice Crawford
Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and his wife, the former Candice Crawford. (credit: Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for TIME)

While Tony Romo is enjoying his 6-year $108 million dollar contract, many people are forgetting his wife Candice Crawford Romo ... who now owns HALF of that. Therefore, New School presents:

Top 10 Things Candice Crawford Romo Bought with Her $54 Million Dollars

10 - EVERY Jessica Simpson and Carrie Underwood CD in EVERY store from EVERY shelf

9 - Although they have a son, Candice bought Romo protection ... in the form of offensive lineman

8 - A new swimming pool made of platinum, gold, diamonds and filled with the drool from Eli Manning's open mouth

7 - Jon Gruden on retainer for the next head coach

6 - 6 year contract = 6 family vacations beginning at the end of the regular season

5 - To make a Romo a better quarterback ... Candice enrolled him into Prime Prep Academy

4 - An entire new wardrobe ... She mailed all the belts to Dez Bryant

3 - A new app in Romo's name ... Instead of Find My iPhone it's called Find My Receiver

2 - An extremely rare guard dog that does nothing ... She named it Doug Free

1 - That one piece of jewelry Tony Romo has yet to get her ... a Super Bowl ring

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