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Watching The Debate With An Undecided Voter

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 NEWS) - It's a busy Wednesday night at Janice Hicks' apartment in Fort Worth.

Her two small kids, nine months and four years old, are clinging to her as she makes her way to the kitchen to get dinner going.

Then again, she says, that's a typical day for the single mother.

"It's really hard as you can see," Hicks laughs. "Diapers, wipes, child care, trying to pay my bills, trying to get him back and forth to school. It's just overwhelming."

At 8 p.m., the chaos slowly winds down as she turns on the TV to watch the Presidential debate, which could change her life.

She's among hundreds of thousands watching the debate closely.

"I'm undecided. I just really don't know," says Hicks about the candidates running for President.

"When I come home everyday, they don't know if I got food or not in my refrigerator. They don't care to me," says Hicks.

Hicks is no stranger to hard times.

The 24-year-old has been looking for a job for six months.

Times were so tough. She even turned to the Community Food Bank in Fort Worth for help. As she held down jobs and took care of two kids, she volunteered at the food pantry.

"They were there for me as far as food," says Hicks "And just to talk when I needed something."

Beyond helping keep her refrigerator full, the Community Food Bank in Fort Worth also helped her identify and apply for scholarship to further her education.

Just this week Hicks says she finally got some good news. She got a job.

She's now a nurses aide, but she still has to find another job just to make ends meet.

Though she maybe undecided she has made one promise and that's to vote for the very first time in her life.

"I'm looking for my kids future.  My kids futures are at stake."

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