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VP Choice Paul Ryan Excites Republicans

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Even before taking the stage as the Republican vice presidential choice, Wisconsin Congressmen Paul Ryan fired up Republicans nationwide and in North Texas.

People like the Former Chair of the Texas Republican Party, Cathie Adams.

Cathie calls the announcement, "exciting, absolutely, exciting. We are a nation in deep debt and this is a man, house budget committee chairman, who understands numbers, who understands what it takes to get out of debt."

Heath Cheek is a Romney supporter and fundraiser in Dallas. He calls Ryan a rising star in the party.

"I don't think there's anyone in the Republican Party who should be disappointed by this pick," said Cheek. "I think it's a bold and exciting pick."

Congressman Michael C. Burgess says Ryan is focused on the nation's mounting budget troubles.

"He has a way of explaining it that makes it understandable and being able to present it in a way not only understandable, but here are the problems inherent therein, but here is a way forward and get us past these problems, and that's what I've always liked about Paul Ryan," said Burgess

CBS 11 News' political analyst John Weekly says what sets Ryan apart, is that he would not attack President Barack Obama personally, just his polices.

"Ryan is going to campaign in a very constructive way," said Weekly. "He's going to talk about ideas and issues, and I think people are hungry for that, and want to hear what we are going to do to solve problems, how are we going to get jobs, what are we going to do about the economy?"

Ryan has already energized the Republican base and Tea Party members.

Weekley believes Ryan's style and focus on the issues will help Romney attract the independents they need to win in November.

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