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Voting Map Opponents Want To Be Reimbursed

Texas State Capitol 2
Texas State Capitol (credit:

AUSTIN (AP) - Minority rights groups that sued over voting maps passed by the Texas Legislature in 2011 want the state to pay for a roughly $6 million legal tab.

The Republican-drawn maps were thrown out by a San Antonio federal court and never used. Groups that include the Mexican American Legislative Caucus consider that a victory and want reimbursement for the money spent fighting in court.

The San Antonio Express-News reported Monday that Attorney General Greg Abbott sees it differently. His office argues in court filings that the request should be denied because a final ruling was never issued in the case.

A three-judge panel instead drew interim political boundaries for the 2012 elections. Gov. Rick Perry made those maps permanent this summer.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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