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Hit And Run Victim Wants Answers

DALLAS (CBS.DFW.COM) - Covered in scrapes and bruises, Marteen White can hardly remember what hit her.

"All I remember is seeing lights coming towards us," she said.

A loose tire had stranded her on the side of Highway 67 Thursday evening with her husband and a co-worker.

"Whoever it was, came off the road, into the grass, and hit us," she said. "And, when I opened my eyes, I was up on my back looking up at the sky, and I was hearing my husband, screaming and hollering."

"I was hysterical," said Gregory White, who saw his wife and her friend lying on the ground. "I thought my wife was gone."

A Duncanville police car, responding to a call about the disabled truck, captured video of the crash, as it arrived.

That video shows a vehicle, headed down the Cockrell Hill exit ramp, swerve to avoid the White's truck, hit the women going 40 to 60 miles an hour, and then bolt back over the median onto the highway again.

Marteen White said, she was carried into an ambulance, where she lay next to her friend, Omega Jones, as paramedics tried to revive her.

"I was like, 'oh my God, she's gonna die, she's gonna die'," she said.

Now at Methodist Central Hospital, Jones said, she woke up after surgery, unsure what had happened.

"I was sitting in the grass, way away from the road.  That's why I don't understand why it happened," she said.

Jones suffered multiple broken bones, and will likely endure multiple surgeries.

"I can't move, I can't walk… I can't work.  I can't do anything."

Still she considers herself lucky.

"They said I was blessed to be alive," she said.

Now, both women say they want the person responsible caught, so they can get the answers they are waiting for.

"You hit us and kept on going," said White. "You could be taking us away from our family and not care? That bothers me a lot. That bothers me a lot."

The Dallas Sheriff's Office believes witnesses on the road that night may have information on what the car looked like and where it was headed.  Anyone with information is urged to call law enforcement.

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