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Vick Speaks Up About Late Hits

DALLAS (105.3 The Fan) - Michael Vick is tired.   Oh yea, I'm sure he is tired of prison and dog ring questions and said all the right things in his press briefing with the Dallas-Fort Worth media today, but Vick believes the latest strategy to rattle him is an old one....hit the quarterback as often as you can.

Vick spoke up about that matter on Saturday, challenging the NFL to take note that he feels he is getting blasted too often after the play. Vick's response to my question on why he spoke up:

"Honestly I really didn't want to talk about it.  I think I was asked a question about it (the late hits)  and I just told the truth.  The referees are going to do their job and I gotta do my job.  The last thing I need to worry about is getting hit after I throw the football. I trust the referees to get the job done.  It forces you to get the ball out of your hands a little quicker...I watched the film from last week's game and I wasn't worried about getting hit after throwing the football.  It wasn't until I went back and watched the game afterward when I thought something had to be done about this but I don't make the rules to determine what's late and what's not so I just have to put my trust in them."

Vick did get banged around pretty hard against the Texans last Thursday, and usually when a team complains to the league, the team gets a bit of a payback.  We'll see Sunday because the Cowboys will probably follow the same order of business but will need to be careful.

There is no question Vick is putting up an MVP type season.  He is the top rated passer in efficiency in the NFC with a 105.7 rating and has thrown 15 TD's to just 2 picks.  "It's always been a dream to play in a system like the system we have here.  We're a balanced football team here and the coaches put a lot on you."

Vick also admits that he cruised at times in Atlanta because the focus then was for him to run more.  He has changed his game in several ways, goes through his reads, and floats in the pocket still looking to make the pass.  That aspect of his game has made him deadly.   "Truth of the matter is I'm 30 years old and who knows how much time I have left, maybe five or six years.  Why not give everything I have now?"

Which is a question people were asking in Atlanta...Seems it took some time away from the game for him to realize the truth about going all out.

And on the topic of his post-prison life....."I think people have forgiven me and hope people wouldn't just forget me for what I do on the field.  You can't change everyone's opinion about you."

He is still trying to move on and hopes people remember him for the work he is still doing off the field as well.

Wally Lynn covers the Dallas Cowboys for 105.3 The Fan

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