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Vandals Spray Paint Anti-Gay Graffiti

ARLINGTON (CBSDFW.COM) - Police in Arlington are investigating nearly a dozen incidents of anti-gay graffiti in one area.

The vulgar messages were reported early Sunday and all happened in one neighborhood near the 1100 block of Crowley Road.

Ten messages spray-painted on cars seem to target a lesbian couple.

"The spray paint included derogatory comments of a sexual nature, images depicting human anatomy, offensive words related to sexual orientation and even one negative message directed at officers," Arlington police spokeswoman Tiara Richard explained.

Police call the crimes a series of "criminal mischief" incidents and say they're not ready yet to call them hate crimes.

"We keep that in mind as we're investigating the case, however calling it a hate crime or determining it, or titling it that, is something that happens on the prosecution end, not on the investigative end," Richard said.

The vandals targeted other neighbors also.

The non-profit activist group Fairness Fort Worth posted a photo of one of the acts of vandalism on their Facebook page.

(WARNING: The vandalism photo contains offensive language. Click here to view.)

Police are asking for help from anyone who may have witnessed the crimes. Anyone with information about the person/persons responsible for the vandalism should call police at (817) 459-6054 or (817) 459-5600.

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