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Vandals Destroy American Flags In Richardson

RICHARDSON (CBSDFW.COM)  Patriotism runs deep in the Canyon Creek subdivision of Richardson. During 4th of July week, nearly 1200 flags line the streets in the neighborhood. But after the work of some vandals, Old Glory is a bit tattered and torn. "There's vandalism and then there's this type of vandalism," says neighbor, Dennis Stewart.

Richardson police say vandals ripped out and tore up 53 flags. "It probably should anger every American," Stewart added. "This is our country's symbol and I just can't imagine somebody doing this."

Since 2008, the July 4th flags have been put up by the local Rotary Club, the Boys and Girls Scouts and the neighborhood association. The poles are ten-feet high and the attached flags are three feet by five feet.

Several flags were dumped by the vandals on Diane Dees front porch. "I thought it was terrible. I just can't believe that somebody would do that to our country's flag," Dees said.

Police are still searching for the vandals. The remaining flags that were not damaged will remain standing through this weekend.

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