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UT Student Walks Into Path Of Bus

AUSTIN (CBSDW.COM) - A University of Texas student accidentally stepped into the path of a moving bus today.  The bus struck the young man and knocked him to the street.

The incident was caught on cell phone video and posted to YouTube:


Austin authorities say it happened around 1 p.m.  Paramedics who took him to the hospital said his injuries were not serious.

The student was part of a group of students waving foam swords and chanting "OU sucks" along Guadalupe Street near the college.  The group was taking part in 'Foam Sword Friday,' an end-of-the-year tradition on the UT campus.

The student, identified as 18-year-old Nick Engmann of Rockwall,was wearing a mask of President Barack Obama when he was hit.

"Surprisingly, he's doing good. He doesn't have any broken bones or anything," explained Nick's older sister, Venessa Engmann.

Engmann was treated and released from the hospital Friday afternoon.  To add a strange twist to the story, he went back to his dorm room on a bus.

Back home in Rockwall, his sisters were breathing a sigh of relief after talking to their brother by phone. "He's surprised by the whole thing. Right after it happened, he was just like, 'I got hit by a bus,'" said Nick's younger sister, Yorlynn Engmann.

"He said he didn't feel anything at first, and then he looked up and he saw the bus," Venessa added.

Now that Nick is okay, his sisters are taking it all in stride. "That's just how our brother is. He does stupid stuff like that all the time. That's what he's known for," the two sisters said together.

Nick's parents drove to Austin t0 be with their son, and to remind him to look both ways when he crosses the street.

Even Nick is having fun with the whole incident.  Friday afternoon, he posted on his Facebook page, "I can finally mark "get hit by a bus" off my bucket list!!"

The bus driver was ticketed for running a red light.

Engmann, who recently said "It's better to be Young and Stupid then Old and Regretful," on his Facebook page,  said he was a little sore Friday night as the adrenaline from the day began to wear off.

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