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UT Grad Rates Among The Nation's Best

AUSTIN (AP) - The University of Texas ranks among the best and most efficient public universities when it comes to graduating students in six years, but still must help them get their degrees faster, according to a school report released Thursday.

Texas graduates 81 percent of its students within a six-year window, 12th best out of the nation's 120 public research universities, according to the report. In Texas, that ranks second only to private school Rice University. Rice's graduation rate was not included in the report.

The report also notes that the University of Texas' tuition remains less than $10,000 a year.

The University of Texas System and Texas A&M University System have been under fire in recent months from Gov. Rick Perry and conservative critics who question whether college professors are making good use of their state money. Perry has urged universities to develop degree programs that cost no more than $10,000.

At the University of Texas at Austin, one of the nation's largest campuses with 50,000-plus students, in-state tuition averaged $8,000 last year.

Thursday's report written by Marc Musick, associate dean for student affairs for the university's College of Liberal Arts, comes on the heels of new efficiency plans presented last month by UT-System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa.

Cigarroa's effort to lift graduation rates and philanthropy called for improved student advising, more scholarships and expanded use of technology, including online courses.

The university report concedes Texas, which graduates 53 percent of its students in four years, can do much better. The report described the graduation rate as an "unacceptably low number" and well behind other top public universities such as California-Berkeley and Michigan, which both graduate about 70 percent of their students in four years and about 90 percent after six years.

Among public schools nationally, the highest six-year graduation rate is 93 percent at the University of Virginia.

The report said Texas may be able to increase graduation rates by offering smaller classes and hiring more quality faculty who are capable of rising to the rank of professor.

The report also noted Texas' outstanding academic reputation. It ranks 45th on the U.S. News & World Report's list of best colleges and 38th on the Academic Ranking of World Universities' list of best research universities in the world.

"Given these rankings, UT Austin is clearly a university of the first class and an asset to the people of Texas," the report said.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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