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Unemployment-Where the Jobs Are

For starters...if you want to fight crime, Fort Worth is looking for 80 more cops... and today is the last day to apply. The area of Education and Healthcare is looking for people, but Carlos Gallardo..who recruits nursing professors for Texas Women's University, says that's not unusual. There's been a nursing shortage for years. Signe Feldman of Carlton Staffing specializes in placing support service staff. She says irnoically the bad economy has opened up jobs in areas related to the crisis, such as in the mortgage and bank loan business.
But Feldman says she sees an increase in people accepting under-qualified positions like those with college degrees settling for jobs that requires no more than a high school diploma. Ann Hatchett of the Texas Workforce Commission says the population growth that continues in Texas could be good and bad for jobs. In some cases more people means more employers, but it also means more competition for those jobs. So Hatchett says people need to consider every option when looking for work...including thinking out of the box. If you need to move to another town, then do it. Hatchett also says she's concerned about whether Texas can maintain the lower unemployment rate as long as the U.S. rate continues to hit a wall...but we'll see when the official State jobless numbers for July come out at the end of the month. Click here for jobs from the Texas Workforce Commission.

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