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Trump: Australian Health Care System Better Than US

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BRANCHBURG, N.J. (AP) - President Donald Trump says Australia has a better health care system than the U.S., a comment that's attracting attention because Australia offers universal health care, which Republicans oppose.

In his meeting Thursday with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Trump said the existing U.S. system was failing: "I shouldn't say this to a great gentleman and my friend from Australia because you have better health care than we do."

He added that Americans will have a "great" system soon, referring to the just-passed House GOP health care bill.

Trump Praises Australia's Universal Health Care by Associated Press on YouTube

Sen. Bernie Sanders quickly tweeted that Australia provides free or subsidized health care: "Thank you Mr. Trump for admitting that universal health care is the better way to go. I'll be sure to quote you on the floor of the Senate."

(© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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