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Trinity River Flood Watchers Told To Stay Back

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The Trinity River has crested, but it is still considered dangerous, because more rain is on the way into DFW on Monday afternoon. The river is now at 39.75 feet, the highest it has been in five years. It was at 40.18 feet on Sunday night.

The river is considered to be at 'major flood stage' at 40 feet.

"I've never seen nothing like this before. It's amazing. Always seen it on TV, so wanted to take a look for ourselves," said Dallas resident Robert Alexander, who was at the river on Sunday to get a first-hand look.

Many people are stopping by the Trinity River with cameras to pose for family photographs at the water's edge. But the Office of Emergency Management warns residents to stay away from the floodwaters. The river is flowing fast, and if an onlooker were to slip and fall into the water, they would be carried downstream quickly.

"The rivers, they just go up so fast," said Dallas resident Blanca Flores. "Like, the next minute, the water is just moving so fast."

"The undercurrent is a lot stronger and swifter than what we're seeing," stated Dallas resident Michelle Robertson. "My daughter is a lifeguard, so we respect the water."

Also, the water is dark and murky, and can easily hide dangerous debris. Many pathways are already covered by water.

"I'm not no risk taker," added Alexander. "Whatever they say to do, that's probably the best thing to do."

Although the river's water level has started decreasing, more severe weather is expected on Monday afternoon, putting a damper on Memorial Day plans and causing waterways to flood once again.

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