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Trial Over Texas Voting Map Approaches End

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Closing arguments are underway in a federal trial that could throw out new Republican-drawn voting districts in Texas.

Plaintiffs began making their final cases Thursday in San Antonio. Democrats and minority groups are urging a three-judge panel to invalidate a new redistricting map passed this year by the GOP-controlled Legislature.

Democrats say the map doesn't reflect a statewide surge in Hispanic growth over the past decade. They want more so-called "opportunity districts" for Hispanic voters to elect the candidate of their choice.

The Texas attorney general's office says the map wasn't drawn with prejudice and preserves the voting power of minorities. Republicans testified that alternatives offered by minority groups were drawn in a way that violated Texas law.

The court isn't expected to issue a ruling for several weeks.

(© Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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