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Trending: Miserable Men Shopping, Twitter Photo Sharing, McDonald's Warning


The malls will be packed today with last minute shoppers, but not everyone will be happy to be there.

There is an Instgram account set up to mark all the "miserable men" out shopping with their significant other.

There are nearly 400 pictures of old guys, young guys, and guys with the kids.  Click here to see them all.

Many of them found the furniture section to put their feet up and grab some ZZZs.  Others are surfing the net on their smart phones or guarding the bags and holding on to the purse.

A recent online survey found men get fed up with following around their significant other in just 26 minutes.

Click here to upload your own holiday pictures to and watch CBS 11 News to see if your photo makes the air.


Twitter is ramping up its emphasis on photo sharing with the latest update to its iPhone app.

Now when you try send a tweet, you will see your photo gallery instead of a keyboard.

You must tap inside the blank text box to switch back to the keyboard.

This is now the default for iPhones.  No word on when it will be available for androids.

It's one more step Twitter is taking to compete with photo sharing sites like Instagram.

Earlier this year, Twitter added filters for pics and allowed users to send pictures through direct message.


McDonald's is offering some interesting advice, on its employee resources website.

The site offers health, fitness and financial advice for the fast food company's employees – and the site appears to tell its workers to stay away from fast food.

A picture on the site shows two meals -- a picture of a burger and fries, which is labeled as an unhealthy choice and a picture of a sub sandwich and salad labeled as a healthier choice.

The site also says while fast food is convenient for a busy lifestyle -- it is also high in calories, fat, sugar and salt and may put people at risk for becoming over weight.

McDonald's issued a statement of its own saying the content was provided by a third party -- and insists that portions of the website were taken out of context and that the company offers healthy choices.

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