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'We Improved Traffic Flow': Less Headache Getting COVID-19 Vaccine At Dallas' Fair Park Thursday

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The effort to greatly increase COVID-19 vaccinations for Dallas County was not near the traffic nightmare on Thursday, Feb. 25, as it was on Wednesday, Feb. 24, at the super site at Fair Park.

An average of about 1,000 people per hour going through the site, but there was still a problem with getting to the site.

On Wednesday, the streets all around Fair Park were jammed with cars in lines trying to access the super vaccination site operated by FEMA and Dallas County.

Dallas County leaders said far too many people were trying to get their second COVID-19 shot and that created the congestion.

On Thursday, Dallas County created two separate entry points: One for those getting their first shot and another gate entrance for those showing up for their second shot.

Fair Park COVID-19 vaccination site
Fair Park COVID-19 vaccination site (CBS 11)

By noon, more than 2,200 people had received shots, as the wait in traffic was significantly reduced.

"Today we improved the traffic flow," said Christian Grisales with Dallas County Health and Human Services. "We open gate eight for second doses, so we are splitting first and second doses. The first dose goes to gate two, the second dose to gate eight."

County health officials said they believe if they can continue to only get people scheduled to come to the site, and not just have people show up randomly, they can decrease the wait time and do 6,000 vaccinations each day.


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