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Toyota's Relocation To Plano Will Create 1,000+ Unrelated Jobs

PLANO (CBS 11 NEWS) - Employers and workers at the Main Street Bistro in Plano's Legacy Shops believe Toyota's corporate move down the road will accelerate their business and hiring.

Manager Esther Notargiacomo says, "Oh my God, it's really exciting!" She says she fully expects her catering business to grow. "It opens up the kitchen, because now I need more cooks to help me with catering. I need someone to take the catering orders and then I need someone to deliver the catering."

Toyota's relocation also drives server Ali Baba. "If they go happy, they will bring more business to us and it means a lot to us. We are here to please our guests."

Baba believes the increase in business will amount to more tips.

A new economic impact study, conducted for Plano, predicts that many other businesses like Main Street Bistro will thrive.

The study found after Toyota provides 4,650 full-time and contract jobs by 2018, that will create an additional 1,366 jobs in Plano -- not only in the restaurant business, but business support and administrative services, IT services, and healthcare providers to name a few.

The study concluded that payroll, sales, and property taxes add up to $7.2 billion in economic output over 10 years in Plano alone.

Even before Toyota's announcement, Village Health Partners, a large medical practice in Plano, already announced it's expanding to three locations.

Toyota is expected to help the practice continue growing. But Dr. Jamie Albracht says it's not just the number of doctors increasing. "Whether it's medical assistants, dieticians, diabetic educators, behavioral health personnel, that's basically where you're going to see a larger expansion."

The economic impact could be larger though. The study did not measure the impact on Plano's housing. That's because it's hard to track where Toyota employees will live.

The study also didn't include any companies that may relocate to the area because of Toyota.

Follow Jack on Twitter: @cbs11jack

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