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Tony Dorsett Joins Concussion Lawsuit Against NFL

Tony Dorsett
Tony Dorsett played running back for the Cowboys from 1977 to 1987 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1994.

NEW YORK (CBS SPORTS) - The helmet-to-helmet shot knocked Tony Dorsett out cold in the second quarter of a 1984 Cowboys-Eagles game, the hardest hit he ever took during his Hall of Fame NFL career. "It was like a freight train hitting a Volkswagen," Dorsett says now. "Did they know it was a concussion?" he asks rhetorically during an interview with the Associated Press. "They thought I was half-dead." And yet, he says, after being examined in the locker room -- a light shined in his eyes; queries such as who sat next to him on the Cowboys' bus ride to the stadium -- Dorsett returned to the field and gained 99 yards in the second half. Mainly, he says, by running plays the wrong way, because he couldn't remember what he was supposed to do. "That ain't the first time I was knocked out or been dazed over the course of my career, and now I'm suffering for it," the 57-year-old former tailback says. "And the NFL is trying to deny it."

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