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Tonight: Backlash Against Body Scanners, Illegal Immigrant Working at Jail in Dallas Quits, Governor Perry All Over the Place on AZ Immigration Law, and more...

It's been a busy news day and an even busier broadcast is coming up from 7-9 tonight.   Our top agenda items include...

At 7:05: People are getting more and more agitated with airport security measures, specifically the body scanning technology now used by the TSA.  You know, the machines that give the screeners an image that that some say looks a little too much like you're naked in front of strangers, like what you see there to the left?  I'll chat with Jared Blank at Online Travel Review and I'd love to hear your take  as well.  Call in at 214.787.1080. 

At some point, we'll chat with Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price (pictured) about the illegal immigrant who had been working at the Dallas County Jail.  She's now given up her post.  It's interesting that this is a situation where someone overstayed a work permit.  It's not as if  someone sneaked across the border in the middle of the night and then somehow turned up working at the jail.  Price tells me that the woman in question, Maria Elvia Ross, does not face deportation but other reports suggest she still may be removed from the country.

At 7:35: Governor Perry seems to be trying to have it both ways on the Arizona immigration law.  He has said he does not want to see the same kind of law for Texas.  But, now he's promising to boycott a meeting of border governors because some Mexican governors don't want to meet in Arizona.  Border Security Advocate Andy Ramirez will join me.

At 8:05: People have less and less confidence in President Obama every day.  The numbers don't look good for him but if you think that translates to favorable numbers for Republicans, you'd be wrong and maybe disappointed.

Democrats seem to have been successful at applying the label of "The Party of No" to the GOP.   So, for now:  People aren't thrilled with the President but they're not looking to the Republicans as a great alternative, but even White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs has admitted the minority party could take control of the House.  Or maybe the White House just wants us to think that.   Andy Barr at Politico will join me to talk about it.

At 8:35:  Will the Obama Administration's new ban on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico hold up in court? Oil and Gas Law Expert Aaron ball will weigh in.  Also, it's now been confirmed, after some doubt, that the tarballs rolling up on Galveston Island and South Texas beaches are from the BP spill.

I'll see ya on the radio...

- Scott Braddock

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