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Tonight at 7pm: Welcome to the Oily Hurricane Season, More Stimulus?, and more...

There are some huge stories in the headlines today and we'll go in-depth on as many of them as possible tonight.  I'll be adding to the agenda throughout the afternoon, but some of the big things we have to get to:

At 7:05: The Oily Hurricane Season is now really on, as Hurricane Alex takes aim at the Texas-Mexico border region.  I've been in constant contact with CBS News Correspondent August Skamenca, who will bring us very latest from South Texas tonight.  Elsewhere on the coast, Alex has been forcing more of the oil ashore from BP's spill from the Deepwater Horizon.  This is also a question:  What if the next storm passes right over the oil slick?

At 7:35: Rolling Stone is defending its coverage of the War in Afghanistan by telling a veteran journalist, Lara Logan (pictured), that she "sucks." Keep it classy, Matt Taibbi.  Matt's done some good work, but I have to say he's gone too far this time.  The debate is whether reporting catty comments made by the general advances anything or just gives the magazine a tabloid style story of a serious national security issue.  At least, that's the way I see it.  I'd love to hear from you on this one.  I'll chat with Media Analyst James Moore.

By the way, you can watch what Lara Logan said here:

Lara Logan Explains how Rolling Stone Hit Piece on McChrystal was Journalistic Malpractice by TalkerOne on YouTube

At 8:05: It's another stimulus debate!  President Obama seems to be one of the last men standing in his belief that what's needed to shore up the global economy is more government spending.  Jobs numbers out today are weak.  If congress is willing to drop all stimulus spending, we may be about to find out who's right, but getting the answer may require going through a "double dip" recession or even a depression. Michael Grabell has written "books worth of stories" about the stimulus and whether it's working at Propublica.  He'll give us the latest and your calls are welcome at 214.787.1080.

At 8:20: We'll get into the latest on the illegal immigration debate.  Farmers Branch Mayor Tim O'Hare today on KRLD told Chris Salcedo that their crackdown on illegals is working, despite the fact that the city's been unsuccessful in court.

Look forward to talking with you tonight at 7pm.

- Scott Braddock

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