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Tonight at 7pm: Obama Pushes Immigration Reform, This is the Day "Pre-Existing" Becomes Meaningless, and more...

A huge day for huge stories and we'll once again delve into as many as possible during my two hours with you on the radio.

At 7:05: President Obama's outline for immigration reform.   So far, the winners have always been those who have cried "amnesty for illegals" any time there's been an attempt to overhaul the nation's broken immigration system.  The President says it's time to move past those arguments and have a real discussion about what can be done to fix the problems while securing the border.   But, does he have enough political capital left in the bank to push for sweeping reform on an issue that splintered the GOP under George W. Bush and is much more controversial than even health insurance reform? We'll check in with Beto Cardenas, who was at the President's speech this morning and will already be back in Texas tonight.

Video of the president and more after the jump...

Obama Outlines Immigration Reform (full video) by Michael McIntee on YouTube

At 7:35: Maybe if Washington doesn't have the stomach for sweeping immigration reform, most people in a new poll say something can at least be done for the young illegal immigrants in this country.   Texas Tribne Reporter Julian Aguilar will give us the particulars of exactly what the so-called "DREAM Act" would do.

At 8:05: The doctor will see you now.  This is a historic day in America.   Some might even call it a "New Independence Day."  This is the first day a human can apply for health insurance and the company cannot deny that human for a pre-existing condition.

Whether you agree with the entire health care reform passed by congress and signed by President Obama, this is one of the things that I think will  end up being extremely popular.   One of our regular contributors, Glenn W. Smith, is someone who has plenty of money to buy his own health insurance, but until now his wife has been denied because of a pre-existing condition.  He'll share the story.

At 8:35: I expect a live report from CBS News Corespondent August Skamenca, who's been on Hurricane Alex duty for the past three days but is now turning his attention to the Mexican drug war and border security.  He's talking this afternoon with people who actually have their boots on the ground:  US Border Patrol.  He'll also hopefully have a chance to chat with Zapata County Sheriff Sigi Gonzales.

Those stories and your calls at 214.787.1080 tonight.

- Scott Braddock

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