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Through The Lens: MLK Jr. Oratory Competition

I always liked speech and impromptu speaking when I was in school, but for the life of me I can't think of one thing I said in any of my speeches.  Today I went to Dallas to cover the 20th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory contest.

Out of 140 students that had written a speech and performed in front of judges and teachers , eight Dallas students were on stage at the Majestic Theater to answer the question "What would Dr. King's message of hope be for the world today?"

All eight students mentioned something different.  Everything from the Golden Rule, to self respect and keeping families together.  They all brought up education and how important it is to stay in school and apply yourself when it come to learning and how students shouldn't bow to peer pressure or join a gang.

One girl thought that everyone that can vote, should vote.  I couldn't agree more!

It is good to know that children are thinking about these things and want to do something about them.  Without them, the next generation might be not have a chance.  I just hope that, unlike me, these kids remember every word of their speeches and work to make sure our world, in the future, still has hope.

Mike Kinney

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