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The Trains at NorthPark use tech to make exhibit more inclusive

Trains at NorthPark enhance accessibility with augmented reality for holiday visitors
Trains at NorthPark enhance accessibility with augmented reality for holiday visitors 02:27

DALLAS — The Trains at NorthPark are a staple of the holidays in DFW, and this year, the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, which sponsors the trains, is taking a high-tech approach to making the exhibit more inclusive to everyone. 

"This is one of the best holiday events in all of DFW," said Jill Cumnock, the CEO of Ronald McDonald House of Dallas.

For 37 years, the trains at NorthPark have been a family favorite for North Texans.  

But this year, the team wanted to be sure more visitors could enjoy the trains.  

"With ReBokeh those that have some vision impairments, it makes it possible for them to see and understand really what's going on around them," said Cumnock.

"Fundamentally, it's an augmented reality tool that lets you adjust filters, almost like a photo editor app for live real life," said Rebecca Rosenberg, the founder of ReBokeh. 

It's an app that helps people with vision issues enjoy everything they can see—not just the Trains at NorthPark but anywhere.  

You can increase the brightness, zoom in further than your normal camera, change the color, or even have the app describe what you're looking at.  

"We have a lot of users who have Albinism who really like ReBokeh for zoom and for contrast. We have a lot of older adult users who either have macular degeneration or glaucoma who are also just really wanting to make use of that vision that they still have," said Rosenberg. 

You can download the app and use it for free within the train exhibit this year.  

This can make something that is a fun tradition for many even more inclusive.

"The families we serve at the Ronald McDonald House, they come to us for all different reasons. Many of them may have some vision impairment, so we really wanted to make it possible for anybody and everybody to be able to come and enjoy this," said Cumnock.

In addition to partnering with Rebokeh, the Trains at NorthPark hold sensory-friendly days with fewer lights, sounds, and people for those who find that overwhelming. Sensory-friendly days are held on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. and Sundays from 12 to 2 p.m.  

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