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Hang With Your Favorite Artists At The Prophet Bar

The Prophet Bar
2548 Elm St
Dallas, Texas 75226

The Daylights perform at The Prophet Bar

So, you know how you tend to freak out when you see a celebrity? You're going to have to take it down a notch when you see your favorite artists at The Prophet Bar. The most laid-back venue in North Texas, The Prophet Bar boasts a worry-free atmosphere where one can seemingly saunter in from the streets of Deep Ellum and enjoy a relaxed ambience. Hang out with a wells drink in-hand and the sounds of local and national under-the-radar artists, still anxiously awaiting their big break, still needing to prove their talent and play a more focused show than any big-name headliner you will see performing at American Airlines Center.

The Artists

There's the type of artist who exits the stage after a show, running from fans, never to be seen until their next tour date, and the type of artist who paces the floor during the opening acts, buys themselves a beer and eagerly signs CDs and t-shirts after their show. You'll find the latter at the Prophet Bar. The types of solo artists and bands that play the Prophet Bar range from big names that already reside in your iTunes, such as Dave Barnes, Say Anything and Tony Lucca, to barely uncovered gems such as Tyrone Wells and The Daylights.

The Experience

The venue probably isn't much bigger than your apartment, and concertgoers quickly become akin to family, cozying up to the small stage, or rubbing elbows at the bar. I've been coming to the Prophet Bar for two years now, and each time I attend I'm left with great memories involving a multitude of artists I revere. If you're a music lover, this is the best venue to tell your favorite artists how you feel about their craft. Instead of mentioning them on Twitter, or littering their Facebook page with your love, tell them in person (where your words will mean much more as it is). My favorite singer-songwriter, New Jersey's Matt Duke, played a show that moved me to the point where I was unable to clap for being paralyzed by his sound.  Because of the Prophet Bar's structure and atmosphere, I was able to approach him after the show and tell him that he had ruined me for all future concerts.

The Confusion

There's hardly a backstage area. To the left of the stage, there are two double doors that swing in and out even as the performance is in session. Do not be fooled by the people who enter and exit this door. Though they may appear to be super cool roadies, guitar techs, or band management, they are in fact humble Dallasites simply trying to use the restroom that just happens to be located behind the stage. Upside: Awesome tuneage in the restroom. Downside: Everyone stares at you, as if waiting for you to burst into song.

If you're looking for a place to escape, listen to talented performers before they make it big and grab a high five and signed CD from a band you always have on repeat, Deep Ellum's Prophet Bar is your venue.

Laura Stillo is a local and national music enthusiast, and the Creative Social Media Producer at

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