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"The Jock Itch" with Jasmine Sadry: Tom Brady Cries Too, Folks!

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) Leading off my "Jock Itch" for Today: Pats' boy wonder Tom Brady is gonna be featured in an ESPN documentary tonight (ala "The Fab Five") and he admits that his eyes actually welled up with tears as he remembered how hard it was to wait until the sixth round of the 2000 NFL draft before he heard his name called!

Yes ladies, he cries too.

It's called "The Brady 6" and it'll basically take a look at how Tommy Boy became a legend when drafted 183RD OVERALL after Chad Pennington, Giovanni Carmazzi, Chris Redman, Tee Martin, Marc Bulger, and Spergon Wynn.

Something tells me that his crying days are behind him anytime he sees his hot model wife, Gisele Bundchen, naked. Or in that case, maybe he DOES cry because it's so good…

Anyway, click here to see the video of Tom:

And in OTHER "itch" worthy news…

The chick at the center of the Brett Favre junk photo scandal, Jenn Sterger, blabbed to George Stephanopoulous of Good Morning America in a campaign to get her life back! She said, "That's all I'm asking for. Just to be able to go back to work. To be able to go back to enjoying what I do. Entertaining people."

Now, rumor has it that the only way she agreed to do the sit down interview was in exchange for a TV hosting gig! (I guess trying to extort money out of Brett Favre isn't enough to help pay the bills.)

Jenn, in case you forgot, your big claim to fame was being an FSU Cowgirl for goddsakes, not a sitcom star... gimme a break…To see a bit of the interview (trust me, you'll be thankful that it's just a small dose) click here:

Tony Romo has officially become a card carrying member of a local Gold's Gym! While many of his NFL buddies have gyms at home, a lot of players in the league actually don't! (But, when you're used to having access to some of the best workout facilities in the world 365 days a year, why would you?)

So, with the gym at Valley Ranch on padlock, Tony's taken it upon himself to get a gym membership to stay in shape!

Hey, at least it isn't a membership to the local Curves!

A 41-year-old Pirates fan was shnockered out of his mind over the weekend at the Rockies/Pirates game!

Just how bad was it? The police report said that he was charged with four misdemeanors, including public drunkenness and resisting arrest, was beaten with a baton six times and tasered as well!

Once again, another instance where it's GREAT to be a clean, non-white trash, Rangers fan! Click here for the video story:

A guy by the name of Bobby Kent is suing every sports team or stadium that uses his copyrighted chant!

The chant in question is called "Stadium Doo Dads" or "Kent's Compositon." (Way to think REALLY outside of the box on that second name, Kent.) Basically, it goes, "da da da da da da…CHARGE!!"

He said back in 1978, when he was the musical director for the San Diego Chargers, he composed the song and ended up trademarking it in 1981, receiving $10,000 to $20,000 a year from the Chargers for its use.

That's right. He says he invented the "CHAAAAARGE!" thing that people do at stadiums so he's suing for his rightful portion when it's being used. He says that the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, and NASCAR have all collected millions of dollars from his creation, without millions of bucks in royalty payments coming to him or even asking his permission!

The biggest offender of them all? He claims our very own Texas Rangers, saying that they used it 31 times during the World Series!

To see the "fully logical" lawsuit complaint, click on the link:

After the Lakers' 120-106 loss to the OKC Thunder on Sunday, Kobe Bryant threw a hissy fit, as he was fuming, and purposely avoiding his teammates after the game.

Here we go again with Kobe the brat.

Nearly an hour and a half after the game ended, he finally spoke up and said, ""I didn't want to redecorate the walls in here so I made the effort to go in the training room and keep to myself." When asked if he was upset, he sarcastically said, "No, not at all."

Calm down, little one…

Meanwhile, Kobe's teammate, Lamar Odom says that if he wasn't in the gym as a youngster, he would have been flipping one of your burgers or asking if you'd like to "value size" your combo meal at some fast food joint in the country somewhere!

He opens up a bit about his troubled past in his new reality show with his wife, Khloe Kardashian. (Yeah, because with ANY Kardashian, a camera, and a boom mic in it anywhere, it's certainly not being exploited for money. Episode one: "Let's milk the story line of your estranged heroin addict father who keeps hitting you up for money, groceries, tickets, and shoes!")

On a side note, he did also admit to being bitter about being passed over for the All-Star Game for Blake Griffin. 

Former University of San Diego assistant men's basketball coach, Thaddeus Brown, and former players, Brandon Johnson and Brandon Dowdy have been charged in connection with a college basketball bribery ring that including game-fixing and weed, dubbed, "Operation Hook Shot." 

The investigation reportedly began as a probe into a marijuana distribution operation, and now "accuses the group of conspiracy to commit sports bribery, running an illegal sports bookmaking operation and distributing marijuana."

According the AP, Brandon Johnson was the school's all-time leading scorer and accepted bribes as a player back in 2010: "The indictment alleges that Johnson took a bribe to influence the result of a game in February 2010 and solicited someone else in January 2011 to affect the outcome of USD basketball games. And the indictment alleges that this February, Brown and Dowdy solicited someone to affect the outcome of a game at the University of California, Riverside."


Now, if you remember, Syracuse was hit with point-shaving accusations earlier this year, but the charges had no real merit. The last major NCAA case before the Orange incident was Northwestern's 1998 scandal.

In the two seasons allegedly affected — 2009 and 2010 — the USD Toreros were 11-21 and 6-24. They made it to the second round of the NCAA tournament in 2008

So far, 10 total people have been tied to the ring and USD is saying that they're going continue to fully cooperatein the investigation, so long as no one bogarts their weed…!5790965/former-usd-assistant-basketball-coach-and-players-charged-in-game+fixing+marijuana+bribery-mess

The girlfriend of married LA Kings player, Dustin Penner, is calling him out on his shenanigans!

She says, "This story is absolutely crazy, but let's just say I am the mistress of a certain kings player who just so happened while he was dating me, got married because supposedly he knocked up another hockey player's ex wife….The f****r was on the phone with me entire day of wedding like nothing was wrong, got busted the next day when the pics came out. Then I was a dumba** that stayed in relationship with him all while he kept telling me he was filing for I was suppose to have copy of divorce papers by Wednesday, but of course he was with the family last night and when I confronted him about it he went all wacko bashing me on his page saying I'm a stalker and he doesn't know me.."

FYI, they supposedly met through Facebook.

Guys, this is precisely why you don't go poking hot chicks on Facebook!! They break crazy on you!

And finally…

Mike Tyson is going superficial for Hollywood! He's been reportedly undergoing a dental make over, dumping his famous gap-toothed, gold capped smile. He says he's doing this to focus on his acting career and his jacked up grill just might get in the way of landing potential roles.

Yes, because I'm sure the huge tribal tattoo that's taking up the whole side of your head certainly won't be an issue with that either.

Here's to your Oscar, Mike…

 And THAT's my "Jock Itch"


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