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"The Jock Itch" with Jasmine Sadry: Tom Brady is Emotional and He Wants You To Know It!

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) We all remember the famous video of Tom Brady getting all emotional when talking about the 2000 NFL draft where he was selected and resorted to shedding a tear or two when recounting the events of that day.

Well, now, our Stetson man is basically giving his haters a big, fat, "X" to the crotch because he told the Boston Herald that sometimes he just can't help but cry!

He said: "I'm an emotional person. Sometimes I can't help it. The (2000) draft was tough, and it's tough for a lot of guys. You have these high expectations that you're going to be picked at a certain place and then it doesn't happen. But I was
thinking — you know, my parents were there with me. And I have such a great relationship with them. "They've been to so many of my games and practices and supported me over the years, and just thinking about sharing that moment with
them, and then seeing the excitement that we've had for an 11-year career, I think that's the emotional part of it."

In the words and accent of Celine Dion, "You go, girlfriend!"

Click HERE for the original video.

And in OTHER "itch" worthy news...

Boxer Bernard Hopkins says that "real" black people live and belong in the ghetto and he's taking his shots at former Eagles quarterback, Donovan McNabb!

According to Bernard, Donovan isn't REALLY black because he wasn't raised in the poverty of a ghetto.

Oh boy.

"Forget this," Bernard said about Donovan in an interview with Pointing to his own dark skin, he claimed, "He's got a suntan. That's all."

He also accuses McNabb of being a "house slave", yes you read that correctly, because he wasn't raised in a ghetto,  while Bernard considers himself to be a "field slave".

He says: "Why do you think McNabb felt he was betrayed? Because McNabb is the guy in the house, while everybody else is on the field. He's the one who got the extra coat. The extra servings. 'You're our boy,' " Hopkins said, patting a reporter
on the back in illustration. "He thought he was one of them."

Yes, because both of you making OVER $100 million career dollars totally makes you slaves.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Bernard, but McNabb's parents weren't wealthy. They owned a small home in a suburb of

I guess unless you spent years behind bars, starting at the Youth Study Center to Graterford Prison, you really aren't considered black, right Bernard?

You criticize Donovan for his upbringing, but haven't you used your MILLIONS of dollars made from boxing to raise your kids in a MUCH more toney community than Donovan's?

I know, Bernard! Why don't you go live in North Philadelphia, where you were raised, you know, instead of the affluent neighborhood you've settled into in Delaware?

Just a thought.

Mets catcher Josh Thole deleted his Twitter account because of mean fans!

Josh, grow a set already, dude!

The Newark-Star-Ledger reports it like this: "The morning after another game in which he did not get a hit, Mets catcher Josh Thole checked his Twitter account. He began the account during spring training, figuring it a lark. Yet once again, he found a bevy of critical messages sent from fans and would-be experts. Enough, he decided, deleting the account and
ending his brief foray into social media. 'I thought this was supposed to be fun,' Thole said before yesterday's game against Colorado. He added, 'They're ruthless on there.' It was enough to make him shake his head."

So what did the fans say to Josh that got him so upset?

The report continues: The comments ranged from name-calling to the unsolicited delivery of hitting advice, Thole explained. One person noted that pitchers were pounding Thole inside, so he needed to pull the ball. Most offered colorful displeasure with Thole's slow start this season.

And just incase you were wondering, he had 9,331 followers and 154 tweets.

Derrick Rose thinks that he's better than LeBron James!

Well, in the sense that he's not an attention whore.

He told that the one difference between young stars like himself and others is the fact that "we're more laid back than them. LeBron and them, they love the attention."

Wait a minute! LeBron loves ATTENTION!?!?

But he only had a gigantic mural of himself on Cleveland's downtown skyline and he only had that whole "The Decision" thing.

Speaking of King James and "The Decision," he's now apologizing for that whole circus show.

After the Heat beat the Celtics to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, though you'd think with the way he and D-Wade were kissing and holding each other that they'd won the Title, LeBron was feeling pretty darn good and offered up some insightful reflection.

He said: "I knew I had to go through Boston at some point. I went through a lot signing to be here. The way it panned out with all the friends and family and fans back home, I apologize for the way it happened. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. As much as I loved my teammates back in Cleveland, as much as I loved home, I knew I couldn't do it by myself against that team (meaning Boston)."


Way to offer up remorse, WHILE you're happy, over something that happened 10 months ago. Very timely, King.

So with the NFL season in a lockout, everyone is finding ways to cope.

One bar chain called Beef 'O'Brady's is offering FREE beer in it's Florida and Mississippi locations where customers get FREE beer as long as there's a lockout!

The promotion offers its customers a minute of free beer for EVERY day that has passed since March 11th! This week, elated beer guzzlers got 61 minutes of FREE Bud Light on Tuesday, being as that was the 61st official day of the lockout.

Maybe this whole lockout thing isn't bad after all...

And finally...

UFC fighters are actually being offered bonuses for...tweeting!

Yes, because NOTHING says MMA brutality like a little blue bird that chirps in it's phone app window.

Anyway, starting on June 1st, UFC and Strikeforce fighters will be divided into four categories, based on how many followers they have on Twitter currently. Then, at the end of each quarter, three fighters from each category will be awarded with a $5,000 grand bonus. Those three winners will be based on who's actually gained the MOST followers since the beginning of the quarter, who gained the highest percentage of new followers, and who wrote the most innovative tweets.

UFC president Dana White will be judging the final category and at the end of one full calendar year, the UFC will fork over $240,000 grand a year to its fighters for their usage on Twitter.

Deep thoughts from guys with cauliflower ears. This oughta be GENIUS.

And THAT'S my "Jock Itch!"


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