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"The Jock Itch" with Jasmine Sadry: The Mark Cuban/Charlie Sheen Bromance Continues!

DALLAS (105.3 The Fan) Leading off today's "Jock Itch:" There are more little details coming out on the whole story about Mark Cuban talking with Charlie Sheen about developing some sort of show for his HD-Net cable network. Before the game against the Grizzlies, Cubes said that "We've had some conversations and we ARE going to work on doing some things;" This could either entail Charlie hosting a talk show or (PLEASE DEAR GOD!!) starring in a reality show!!! But, nothing is set in stone at this point. And as far the public criticism Charlie's been getting from the train wreck debacle that was the "Charlie's Korner" web-cast on Saturday? Mark says don't critique a show that got put together in a few hours and that the thing he loves most about Charlie is how he loves to mess with the media, putting in Mark's words, that we fall, "hook, line and sinker." Incidentally, the Mavericks' promotions department has started incorporating Charlie into some of their creative productions (i.e. using wacky clips of Sheen interviews over the loud speakers during the last game at the American Airlines Center and having Dirk shoot a promo video for bobble-head night that features him flexing while staring in a mirror and ends with Nowitzki saying, "Boom. Winning.")

And in OTHER "itch" worthy news...

In other quick "Charlie News:" Charlie tweets his take on Mark Cuban, he "officially" gets fired from CBS/Warner Brothers, AND he may just be considering taking his act on a nationwide stage tour!

Regarding his new BFF Mark, Charlie took to Twitter and said: "Fastball: Cuban, a mad genius, proclaimed every brain cell in this warlock brain 2 B a weapon of mass destruction. U've been warned; by him." And just in case you're in need of an extra job to make ends meet, Charlie also tweets that he's looking to hire an intern with "tiger blood…"

Not that this is totally breaking news, but CBS/Warner Brothers "officially" fired Charlie yesterday from his show, "Two and a Half Men" with no information as to what the show's status will be at this point. In an 11 page termination letter, the studio said that Charlie "engaged in dangerously self destructive conduct and appears to be very ill." (Umm…YA THINK?!?!) MEANWHILE, regarding this "national stage show" he is interested in possibly doing; rumor has it that it would be a series of live theatrical shows, similar to Conan O'Brien's comeback tour which performed to sold out shows around the country while he sat out his NBC non-compete clause! And don't worry, because you can get ALL the Charlie schwag you want, as he's going to offer an official line of merchandise, including, (and of COURSE) a "winning" T-shirt!

There's an update in the Miami Heat Cry-gate 2011! Apparently, head coach Erik Spoelstra tried to DENY that any of his players were crying like babies in the locker room after Sunday's loss to the Bulls, blaming it ALL on media sensationalism. This comes a day after he was actually quoted as saying, "there are a couple of guys crying in the locker room right now." Anyway, D-Wade is trying to defend his coach by calling him a liar! (Yeah, I don't get that concept either.) He said, "He could have told y'all anything. He could have been lying."

Meanwhile, rumor has it that Heat owner, Pat Riley, is none too thrilled with Erik Spoelstra calling out his team with the whole crying comment, and that MAY just have been the straw that broke the camel's back in deciding to replace him! This would already add to a culmination of disappointing factors from Spoelstra's performance this season as the head coach. A very reliable "source" is saying that Pat isn't too impressed with the way Erik deals with his superstars or the media and that he really wants a Phil Jackson-esque coach that'll push buttons and win some championships! This same "source" is saying that Pat is gonna let Erik know that he has just a few weeks to clean up his mess and that he probably won't be head coach, come next season! By the way, Erik joined the Heat staff back in 1995 as? The team's video coordinator. Stand by for further developments…

Three-year-old little Gavin Farmer (he's the little kid that was the YouTube sensation for reacting to the possibility of Michael Young getting traded from the Rangers) Well, he's now getting his own T-shirt line. It's going to feature the word "Texas" on the front, with "He M.Y. Team" on the back, above the number 10. This kid is a T-shirt entrepreneur at THREE! What am I doing wrong? God, I need to have a kid and exploit…err…feature him on YouTube too!

The judge lovingly regarded as the "Penis Pump Judge" has been arrested for stalking! (SHOCKING) A woman who's already involved in a criminal case against him claimed that he was stalking her, while she was dealing with a flat tire on her car. As far as his name goes? He got that after a jury convicted him 5 years ago for using an actual penis pump while he was listening to court cases…

Cowboys' tackle Marc Colombo wants you to know that he thinks football groupies are hotter than metal groupies! He has plenty of experience with both sides of the spectrum, being that he plays in the NFL AND that he's the front-man of his metal band called, "Free Reign." He said, "When playing for the Cowboys, I would definitely say sports. It's a whole new level." He also adds that his band (which includes guard Leonard Davis and former Cowboy Cory Procter) is in the process of still trying to be "superstars in the rock world;" He also says that Jerry Jones probably doesn't mind about his side project as a rock star because it shows the versatility of what ELSE his Dallas Cowboys can do! How about the versatility of…oh I don't know… WINNING GAMES instead of playing "Rock Band?!!?"

Ravens safety, Tom Zbikowski says he wants to box Chad Ocho Cinco and just "let it go for about 45 second" to let him know what a REAL jab feels like! (Yikes! Repressed anger, much?) He made his boxing debut nearly five years ago and is apparently pretty serious about this match with Ocho, and goes on to say that he'd beat up ANY active NFL player in a match as well! Not surprisingly, Zbikowski says that he expects to be "in the ring full-time" at some point…(someone slip a Xanex in his Gatorade and calm this guy down already!)

Cleveland Browns cornerback, Eric Wright, is claiming that he actually got DEATH THREATS from fans after he had a couple of bad games last season! (Easy there, Dawg pound!) He says that he didn't report the threats to the police because he just attributed the crazy behavior to the "extreme passion of Browns fans." Wright had 42 tackles and one interception last year…

If you ever felt like drinking your beer just wasn't enough, how about being able to CHEW it now? Thanks to BRUBAR, you can! It's the world's first beer flavored energy bar for your post-workout routine! On the company's website, there's a guy named James Miles, who claims to be an "elite marathon runner" who is touting these new little tasty treats! Incidentally, he's the ONLY athlete featured on the website…

Britney Spears' former bodyguard (a guy by the name of Fernando Flores) is suing her for sexual harassment, after he claims that she tried to repeatedly seduce him with racy, nude text pictures of herself! He claims that he just couldn't handle the trauma from the CONSTANT daily seduction she threw his way via pictures (yeah…okay) that he claims would shock and disgust the majority of her fans! He gives us an idea of just HOW shocking by saying that some of the pictures show Britney with the camera between her legs and also ones of her wearing lingerie…Oh baby, baby!

If you're a tranny prison inmate in England, you can breathe a sigh of relief because legally, you can't be denied of your bra and make-up! British lawmakers mandated that transsexual prison inmates MUST be allowed access to padded bras, make-up, prosthetic body parts, and other "gender appropriate" clothing from a shopping catalog called Argos Additions…God Save the Queen…

And THAT'S my "Jock Itch!"


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