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"The Jock Itch" with Jasmine Sadry: Mark Cuban Wants Justin Bieber in Mavs Uniform?!

DALLAS (105.3 The Fan) Leading off Today's "Jock Itch:" Mark Cuban told the Fort Worth Star Telegram that he's "not above signing Justin Bieber if he's old enough to play." Now, Justin WAS the MVP of the Celebrity All-Star game last week (I don't know how much heat you can have from THAT accolade, but whatever works.) Cubes said that after all it IS about "selling tickets…"

And in OTHER "itch" worthy news...

Tony Parker is rebounding from ex-wife Eva Longoria with a WNBA chick! Her name is Becky Hammon and she's the point guard for the San Antonio Silver Stars (Can't two point guards just fall in love and not be judged??) Anyway, sources are saying that the pair have hit it off quite well and the they're trying to keep things on the DL…

Charlie Sheen's show, "Two and a Half Men" has been cancelled, thanks to his bizarre rant on the radio calling the show's creator-executive producer Chuck Lorre a "charlatan" and a "turd." It all stemmed from Lorre's tongue-and-cheek comments to a magazine where he said, "If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I'm gonna be really pissed." Charlie's response to that? "Last time I checked, I spent close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold." For more tidbits from his erratic interview (highlights including: how he thinks he's pure awesome because Lenny Dykstra told him he is, how his haters have ugly wives and children and are just jealous him, how he has a "marriage of hearts" with his "porn family," How he has "poetry" in his fingertips, AND How HE has a better success rate than AA when it comes to rehabbing himself; um...yeah) see below...

Breast Milk ice cream is the latest craze in the UK! Yes, I said BREAST MILK! It's being touted as a "natural, organic, free-range treat" and moms in England are lining up and donating LITERS of breast milk at a time to ice cream shops! Women are getting $24 bucks for 10 ounces of their milk! Heck, strap a pump on me! Let's do this! I've got bills to pay!

The next time you're onboard a flight, don't touch the bathroom, the pillows, the blankets and the Sky Mall Catalog because according to a "USA Today" article, those are ALL of the most germ infested parts of an airplane! They also suggest to drink ONLY bottled water because you really can't trust the tap water filtration system in a plane and to be leary of the pillows (as they very seldomly get the cases changed on them) making you one of the 5% of people that ends up with the pillow that the sick guy before you drooled on...

And because I LOVE idiot criminals: A man was arrested for stealing a chainsaw (and as any astute person would do to be discreet) he shoves it down his pants! 21-year old Anthony Black is from Oklahoma (no shock here) and was at a hardware store when he decided to steal an 18-inch chainsaw and shove it down his pants, just INCHES away from his junk! Employees saw him waddling out of the store, initially thinking he was handicapped, but an employee wasn't fooled! His quote was, "I seen the bar between his legs." (Yeah, I know. THAT just writes itself.) Anyway, he ended up running away, jumping head first into a nearby creek to avoid the cops. He was fished out, arrested, and the chainsaw was returned to the store.... Only in Oklahoma...,0,4216539.story?track=rss

A 15-year-old Oklahoma girl just got her first cell phone and accidentally got assigned Blake Griffin's number! She says that she gets calls and texts all week long, intended for Blake! Her mother says that her daughter is frustrated because every time she's expecting a text from one of her friends, it's yet ANOTHER text intended for Blake!

Former Texas Ranger favorite and now Chicago Cubbie, Marlon Byrd has dropped 20 lbs on what's called the "Warrior Diet!" Now, you'd think with a majestic sounding name like that, it would be intense, right? Nope. The all-mighty "Warrior Diet" basically entails eating all of the fruits and veggies you want during the day, and then one big meal for dinner! (That's according to Mr. Byrd) He went from 240lbs last season to 221lbs this year….He may or may not have a little baseball training in between to help too…

I mentioned yesterday about the bizarre tropical vacation that Charlie Sheen took with wife, a porn star, and his current live-in girlfriend; The foursome is now a threesome because it turns out that Charlie gave his wife, Brooke Mueller, the boot from their trip! Apparently, they were fighting like crazy so he told her to get out and on a radio show rant confirmed that he told her, "Goodbye Brooke. Good luck in your travels. You're going to need it badly."

Kanye West took to Twitter to speak his mind about abortion, specifically calling out "gold-diggin' B's!" This was his tweet: "An abortion can cost a ballin' "n" up to 50gs maybe a 100. Gold diggin' "b's" be getting pregnant on purpose. #STRAPUP my "n's!" he recommends. Just to be clear, he insists it hasn't happened to him. He claims he "knows people" it's happened to….sure… has come up with the list of the "50 Worst Actors in Hollywood History" and Keanu Reeves takes the number one spot for the WORST! 9 other actors join Keanu, including and starting at number 10: Matthew Lillard, David Caruso, David Arquette, Paul Walker, Hugh Grant, Brendan Fraser, Orlando Bloom, William Shatner, and Hayden Christensen...

Sweet Little British Milly Cooper is 96 years old and still pulls in $80,000 a year, working as a prostitute! She said she started skanking out after her husband died during WORLD WAR TWO. That was 1945. She's gotten down with at least 3,500 men and has regulars who range anywhere from 29 to 92 years old! She says that they shell out up to $1,300 bucks PER session! As far as criticizing her own "profession," she says that the industry has become "mucky" and that "At least I am maintaining standards. I always dress elegantly and my clients are gentlemen."

And THAT'S my "Jock Itch!"


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