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"The Jock Itch" With Jasmine Sadry: King James, D-Wade And 20 Security Guards!


Getty Images/Chad Buchanan

DALLAS (105.3 The Fan) Leading off Today's "Jock Itch:" Last week, LeBron James and his buddy D-Wade decided to take a little trip for a late night snack of cornbread and chicken nachos at Hub 51 in Chicago and took with them…TWENTY SECURITY GUARDS! Really?

And in OTHER "itch" worthy news...

Former Boston Celtic and NOW OKC Thunder player Kendrick Perkins got pretty emotional after learning about being traded and had himself a good, gut wrenching little cry fest! (Afterall, wouldn't YOU if you left Boston for Oklahoma City??) Anyway, he was a Celtic for seven years and was dealt to the Thunder along with Nate Robinson in exchange for forward Jeff Green. Kendrick's former teammates were pretty upset, including Kevin Garnett, who equated the whole situation to losing a family member, while Paul Pierce had a sort of different way of mourning. He said the team has to trust in management of team president Danny Ainge and coach Doc Rivers and not "cry over spilled milk…"

Guys, you can tug on that jock strap, slam your beer down and be secure enough in your manhood to order a salad now! Say hello to the "Meat Salad" for REAL men! The Western Michigan Whitecaps (a minor league team in the Detroit Tigers organization) is looking at some real "man's man food" for the upcoming 2011 season and among the choices is the "Meat Salad." It includes SEVEN meats: hamburger, beef brisket, Johnsonville bratwurst, hot dogs, pulled pork, gyro meat, and pulled chicken! (Hold the lettuce) Other possibilities being knocked around include, the "Bologna Lollipop," "Meat Man Parfait," "Duck Hog Frog Dog," and the 5,630 calorie "Walking Spaghetti."

You KNOW it's bad when a PORN STAR is actually offended by your actions and dumps you; Such is the case of everyone's favorite gold-toothed trainwreck, Charlie Sheen! His porn star ex-girlfriend of just four months, Lindsay Wager, dumped him when she caught him watching tranny porn! She said that it freaked her out and when she confronted him on it, he basically told her to shut up and that he wasn't going to stop. She said THAT was her breaking point….um…okay…

Meanwhile, as he publicly insisted that he would, Charlie passed a urine drug test administered in the presence of the website,! The website basically had challenged him to put his money where his mouth is after Charlie went on bizarre rants last week, claiming he's healed himself and that his method is 100% fool proof, versus AA's 5% success rate (His claims, by the way.) He took the challenge in front of website staff and his First Check test returned a negative finding (which is said to be 99% accurate) for seven illicit drugs and five prescription drugs including, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines, ecstasy, amphetamines, PCP, bartbiturates, benzos, methadone, and oxycodone…Maybe he just is on to something here….

It may not make you go blind, like your parents and preachers used to tell you as a kid, but scientists say that watching too much internet porn may cause impotence! Researchers said that "Young men who indulge in 'excessive consumption' of internet porn gradually become immune to explicit images. Over time, this can lead to a loss of libido, impotence and a notion of sex that is totally divorced from real-life relations." Now, this study WAS done in Europe and found that Germans are the biggest consumers of online porn, with France at second ahead of Spain, and then Italy at fourth…

St. Louis Rams scout, Luke Driscoll, was reportedly charged with public nudity and intox last Friday in Indianapolis because he flashed his junk to a female officer and also urinated on a building downtown! He's been a Rams scout for 11 years and was reportedly back at work and timing players at the Combine on Saturday. The Rams are still investigating the situation…

Orlando Magic star Dwight Howard has had ENOUGH of his ex-girlfriend, making his lawyers freeze all of her bank accounts and sent a repo man to her house to get back a car! Apparently, he and his baby mamma signed a confidentiality agreement and she broke the deal by talking some smack on the reality show "Basketball Wives" and also running her mouth on Twitter! She was set to get $500,000 bucks, plus child support and a mansion in the deal, had she have kept her yapper shut…

A-Rod's main squeeze, actress Cameron Diaz says, "I love me some porn!" She was on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" and talked about how she loved that you could order porn discreetly at hotels without anyone knowing! This isn't the first time she's publicly talked about her raging libido though. Last year, she told Playboy that she is always "traveling for c***"

Forget Groupon, there's a website offering coupons for weed! It's called and it's basically a restaurant guide for pot users by highlighting which dispensary sells what, offering daily coupons and discounts on medicinal weed. Customers are signing up in droves because the site has been live for just over a week and more than 3,000 people have already signed up in 12 regions for the service…

This headline just writes itself: "Former MADD chapter president arrested for drunk driving." Debra Oberlin was a former president for the local MADD chapter in Gainesville, Florida (nuff said.) Well, she got pulled over for swerving all over the road and when she took her field sobriety test, she rang up between .234 and .239—the state's legal limit is .08. MADD says, look, she was a chapter president for us nearly TWENTY years ago and she was only serving in a volunteer capacity! Way to represent, Debra!

And THAT'S my "Jock Itch!"


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