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Texas Tech: Fish Bait, Not Manure, Put In A&M Bus

LUBBOCK (AP)  Texas Tech officials "strongly condemned'' vandalism that targeted a Texas A&M bus before the Aggies played the Red Raiders, but said fish bait, not manure, was used in the incident.

Texas Tech said in a statement Monday that bait was dropped on the floor of one bus parked at a Lubbock hotel before the Aggies' 45-40 victory.

Before Saturday night's game, A&M athletic director Bill Byrne said that manure went "from one end to the other'' in one bus and was spread on the outside of three others. He tweeted the buses were "spray-painted.''

Tech said washable shoe polish was on the windows of one bus, adding that the buses were cleaned before Byrne saw them and calling Byrne's tweet "careless.''

No one has admitted to the prank and Tech was relying on information it received from the hotel management and the bus company.

Aggies spokesman Alan Cannon had no comment Monday.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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