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Texas To Settle Former Track Coach's Discrimination Lawsuit

AUSTIN (AP) - The University of Texas has agreed to settle a race and sexual discrimination lawsuit filed by former women's track coach Bev Kearney.

Kearney attorney Jody Mask on Wednesday told The Associated Press that the case will be dismissed. University spokesman Gary Susswein confirmed the school agreed to settle. Terms were not immediately disclosed.

Kearney was hired in 1993 but forced out in 2013 after school officials learned she had a relationship with one of her athletes a decade earlier. School officials repeatedly said the relationship "crossed a line" for a coach and would not be tolerated.

Kearney's lawsuit alleged she was treated differently as an African American female coach from ex-football assistant Major Applewhite, who in 2009 had a relationship with a student trainer while on a bowl trip. Applewhite, a former Texas quarterback who is white, was allowed to remain on staff and was later promoted.

(© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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