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Texas State Senator Injured On 9/11 Talks About bin Laden's Death

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM/KRLD) - State Senator Brian Birdwell (R – Granbury) burned more than 60 percent of his body in the Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001.

After word spread Sunday night that Osama bin Laden was dead, spontaneous celebrations sprung up across the nation.

But Birdwell says there is a huge difference in the celebrations he saw last night and the ones he saw shortly after September 11th by enemies of the US.

"We have done justice to a murderer who deserved the death he got," he said. "And we were celebrating that justice was being done rather than our enemies celebrating the slaughter of innocent life."

Birdwell was injured when American Airlines flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, just yards away from his office. He says we, as a country, can't worry about how our enemies will react to the death of bin Laden.

"The question isn't whether we as a nation are making our enemies mad," he said defiantly. "The question is what are we doing as a nation to make sure that our enemies learn never to make us mad. Last night's operation answered that question."

Birdwell went on to say that he noticed something while watching the celebrations Sunday night. "There's a seminal difference between the jubilation that the Americans were feeling last night and the jubilation I saw in streets in the Middle East and the tapes I saw after September 11th."

Hundreds of people joyously gathered outside the White House early Monday morning to mark the death of Osama bin Laden. Spontaneous, celebratory rallies also broke out in New York City at ground zero, where the World Trade Center towers fell nearly 10 years ago, and outside the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush.

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