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Texas School Board Mulls Religious Cheers

KOUNTZE (AP) - A Southeast Texas school board is taking public comment on a court-ordered halt to its ban on high school cheerleaders displaying religious-themed messages on banners at sports events.

The board of the Kountze Independent School District has scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday evening to consider and perhaps act on the ban that a state district judge blocked last year during football season.

A lawsuit against the district by the anti-religion group Freedom From Religion Foundation is set for trial in June. The advocacy group contends the handwritten messages on cheerleader banners are unconstitutional religion endorsements.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has joined in the suit on the cheerleaders' behalf. The cheerleaders also have Gov. Rick Perry's support.

The district is about 20 miles north of Beaumont.

(© Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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