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Texas Power Grid Ready For Hottest Day Of The Year

FORT WORTH (KRLD NEWS) - With Thursday's predicted high of 104 - and a possible heat index of 108 – ERCOT, which operates the state's power grid, will be busy keeping things cool.

The agency says on Wednesday the state used more electricity than any other day of the year, as the temps climbed to 105, just one degree shy of the record set back in 1988.

Robbie Searcy with ERCOT says there is no need to worry, as the power grid is handling the load with no problems.

"We have plenty of generation available to serve peak demand needs this time and don't anticipate any problem," said Searcy.  "We may see our highest use so far this year, but even that is well below what we have seen as our records in past years."

Searcy says the all-time record for peak consumption came in August 2011.

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