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Texas Lawmakers Look At State Finances

AUSTIN (AP) - Lawmakers are taking another look at the state's finances ahead of what could be another budget-cutting legislative session that starts in January.

Members of the budget-writing House Appropriations Committee were scheduled to meet Wednesday. Among those expected to testify are officials from the state comptroller's office and the Legislative Budget Board.

Republican state Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock chairs the subcommittee on the state's current fiscal conditions. His five-member panel is expected to discuss state agency budgets and planned reductions.

Gov. Rick Perry earlier this year called for state agencies to identify ways to shave budgets by 10 percent. Since then, rosier-than-expected state revenues has fueled talk of a possible surplus heading into next year's session.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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