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Texas First Responders Given Free Pizza After Canadian Firefighters Order From Wrong Restaurant

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) - A simple mixup of Alimo and Alamo led to an act of kindness from firefighters in Canada and first responders in San Antonio are forever grateful.

CTV News reported that on Monday a firefighter with the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service in Alberta was given the task of ordering 18 pizzas for an event the department was holding.

The firefighter, Jordan Lampertz, thought he was calling the local Alimo's Pizzeria after he found the number on Google. He proceeded to order the pizzas.

Lampertz told CTV News that he felt something may have been a bit off when the restaurant asked for a credit card number, but he said he was preoccupied at the time and just gave the information.

What the firefighter didn't know was that he had just placed the large order from a pizza place called Alamo in San Antonio -- more than 2,300 miles away.

The department realized the mistake when Alamo Pizza & Wings called back to let them know their pizza was ready. A San Antonio area code appeared on Lampertz's phone.

The firefighter told CTV News that he went back to check the phone number he found on Google and realized the mixup in restaurants.

In order to not waste any food, the department told Alamo Pizza & Wings to deliver the pizzas to first responders in San Antonio.

The order, worth around $300, was given to two local fire stations and police.

"Did you know there is an Alimos in Texas?? Well there is and they deliver," the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service said on Facebook.

Today we are hosting a talk about PTSD and being able to reach out to your fellow coworkers for assistance. Well we took...

Posted by Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service on Monday, September 30, 2019

The San Antonio firefighters sent the Canadian fire department pictures of them enjoying their gift and also offered to return the favor with pizza from Alamo.

"It was an honest mistake. And we made some friends along the way. Reminder to check your Google before calling," the Lesser Slave Regional Fire Service said.

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